07/06/2010 Filatelide Sinema Pul Sergisi - Movie in Philately

TR - Filatelide Sinema Pul Sergisi nedeniyle 07.06.2010 tarihinde 10:00-20:30 saatleri arasında Cumhuriyet Sanat Galerisi Taksim Meydanı İSTANBUL adresinde açılacak olan geçici işyerinde Filateli'de Sinema Sergisi 07.06.2010 İSTANBUL ibareli özel tarih damgası kullandırılacaktır.

EN - The stamp exhibition with the them of Movie in Philately will be held on 7th June of 2010 between the hours of 10:00am and 8:30pm in the temporary post office which will be located at the address of Cumhuriyet Art Gallery, Taksim Square, İstanbul. The special day mark with the text of Filatelide Sinema Sergisi 07.06.2010 İSTANBUL will be used during the exhibition.

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