TR - Çanakkale Zaferinin yıldönümü nedeniyle 16-23.03.2011 tarihleri arasında 18 Mart Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Kültür Merkezi, Kemal Paşa Mah. İskele Meydanı - ÇANAKKALE adresinde Çanakkale Zaferi Pul Sergisi düzenlenecektir. Ayrıca sergi süresince, sergi mekanında açılacak geçici filateli işyerinin mesai saatleri çerçevesinde Çanakkale Zaferi Pul Sergisi 16-23.03.2011 ÇANAKKALE ibareli özel tarih damgası kullandırılacaktır.
EN - To commemorate anniversary of Canakkale Victory, Canakkale Victory Stamp Exhibition will be held between 16th-23rd March 2011 at the address 18th March University Fine Arts Faculty Cultural Centre, Kemal Pasa District, Wharf Square ÇANAKKALE . Also, the special date postmark with text of Çanakkale Zaferi Pul Sergisi 16-23.03.2011 ÇANAKKALE will be used in working hours of the temporary philately booth that will be opened at exhibition venue.
EN - To commemorate anniversary of Canakkale Victory, Canakkale Victory Stamp Exhibition will be held between 16th-23rd March 2011 at the address 18th March University Fine Arts Faculty Cultural Centre, Kemal Pasa District, Wharf Square ÇANAKKALE . Also, the special date postmark with text of Çanakkale Zaferi Pul Sergisi 16-23.03.2011 ÇANAKKALE will be used in working hours of the temporary philately booth that will be opened at exhibition venue.
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