16/04/2008 Tourism Week Rize Stamp Exhibition

To commemorate the Tourism Week Rize Stamp Exhibition that will hold on 16-22nd April 2008, the special date stamp with the text of Turizm Haftasi Pul Sergisi, 16-18.04.2008, RIZE will be used at the address of Rize Kultur ve Turizm Mudurlugu, İsmail Kahraman Kultur Merkezi Cumhuriyet Caddesi Ekrem Orhon Mahallesi 53100-RIZE between the dates 16-18th April 2008.

Special Post Marke ;
" Turizm Haftasi Pul Sergisi "
16-18.04.2008 RIZE

Post Marke ; 16.04.2008 Rize

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