The Stamp exhibition with the theme of Halil İbrahim Meetings will be arranged at the address of Hz.İbrahim Dervish Convent, Balıklıgöl, Şanlıurfa between the dates of 30-31 May 2008. Special day cancellation with the text of Halil İbrahim Buluşmaları Pul Sergisi 30-31.05.2008, ŞANLIURFA will be used during the exhibition.
Special Post Marke ;
" Halil İbrahim Buluşmaları Pul Sergisi "
30-31.05.2008 ŞANLIURFA
Post Marke ; 30.05.2008 Balikligöl Sanliurfa
Special Post Marke ;
" Halil İbrahim Buluşmaları Pul Sergisi "
30-31.05.2008 ŞANLIURFA
Post Marke ; 30.05.2008 Balikligöl Sanliurfa